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  • The basic introduction about 1 inch XPS Foam Board"1 inch XPS Foam Board" refers to a type of insulation material made from extruded polystyrene foam, commonly used in construction for thermal insulation purposes. It is typically one inch thick and offers good insulation properties due to its closed
  • Extruded polystyrene foam board, abbreviated as XPS board, is chemically stable, does not volatilize harmful substances, and is not harmful to the human body.
  • What are the remarkable characteristics of the extruded board?
  • In the realm of modern construction materials, XPS sandwich boards with PVC layers have emerged as a versatile and efficient solution for a wide range of applications. Combining the insulation properties of extruded polystyrene (XPS) with the protective capabilities of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) layer
  • Insulation plays a pivotal role in maintaining the energy efficiency of a building, ensuring a comfortable and regulated indoor environment. One notable contender in the insulation realm is the 25mm XPS insulation board, a versatile solution with a multitude of benefits.