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Feininger take part in 127 Canton Fairs in 2020

Views: 21     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-06-19      Origin: Site

Feininger take part in 127 Canton Fairs in 2020

The 127th Canton Fair online platform is opening now!

Feininger Living room for 127th Canton Fair.

Please click: https://ex.cantonfair.org.cn/pc/zh/exhibitor/4ab00000-005f-5254-1c09-08d7ed794621/live

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Hello, I am Tina, the proud founder of a China leading company specializing in XPS Foam Board Production Lines. With a visionary approach, I established this venture to address the evolving needs of the insulation and construction industries.
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 No.2 Zhonglin Road,Tangshan Industry Area,Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province,China.
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