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You Must Know When Buy Extruded Polystyrene Pipe Production Line

Views: 111     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-02-19      Origin: Site

Feininger's XPS Pipe Production Line Features

  • 100% Non-Freon Production: Feininger's production lines use non-Freon methods, highlighting their commitment to environmental sustainability

  • Customized Services: Offering multiple capacity options and the ability to customize services according to client needs, Feininger ensures flexibility and adaptability in their production lines

  • High Compressive XPS Foam Insulation Board Production: Their technology focuses on producing XPS foam with high compressive strength, suitable for various insulation applications

  • Versatility in Product Types: Feininger's technology is not limited to XPS foam boards but also includes pipes, rods, and profile products, showcasing the versatility of their production lines

XPS Extruded Polystyrene Pipe

What is the cost of an xps pipe production line

The cost of an XPS (Extruded Polystyrene) pipe production line from Feininger can vary depending on the specific model and configuration. However, based on the information provided in the search results, we can see that Feininger lists an XPS pipe production line with a price of $550,000.

This price is for a set that includes a production capacity of 280-450 kg/hr, with a machine size of 40x10x4 meters. It's important to note that this price may not include additional costs such as shipping, installation, training, or after-sales services. For a precise quote and details on what is included, it would be necessary to contact Feininger directly.

What is the difference between an xps pipe production line and an xps board production line

The difference between an XPS pipe production line and an XPS board production line primarily lies in the final product's shape, application, and specific manufacturing adjustments required to achieve these outcomes. Both production lines utilize the extrusion process to create products from extruded polystyrene (XPS), but they are tailored to produce different forms of XPS products with distinct applications.

XPS Board Production Line

An XPS board production line is designed to produce XPS foam boards, which are flat, rectangular sheets of extruded polystyrene. These boards are widely used for thermal insulation in various construction applications due to their excellent insulation properties, moisture resistance, and high compressive strength. The production process involves melting polystyrene resin with other additives, extruding the mixture through a die, and then expanding it to form a solid foam during the cooling process. The extruded foam is then trimmed into the desired shape and size of boards. XPS boards are characterized by their completely closed cell structure, low thermal conductivity, very low water absorption, and resistance to bacteria and micro-organism growth. They are commonly used in roofing insulation, housing insulation, commercial building insulation, and more.

XPS Pipe Production Line

On the other hand, an XPS pipe production line is specifically engineered to produce cylindrical XPS foam pipes, which are used for insulating pipes to prevent heat loss or gain and protect against freezing. While the basic principles of the extrusion process remain the same, the equipment and die designs are adapted to produce a cylindrical product rather than flat boards. The production line may include additional or specialized components to shape, cool, and cut the extruded material into pipes or tubes. XPS pipes share many of the beneficial properties of XPS boards, such as excellent thermal insulation, moisture resistance, and high compressive strength, but are specifically designed to fit around piping systems.

Key Differences

  • Product Shape and Application: The most obvious difference is the shape of the final product—flat boards versus cylindrical pipes—and their respective applications in construction and insulation.

  • Manufacturing Adjustments: While both lines use similar raw materials and the extrusion process, adjustments in the machinery, die design, and production parameters are necessary to achieve the desired product shape.

  • Specialized Equipment: An XPS pipe production line may require additional or specialized equipment to shape, cool, and cut the extruded material into pipes, whereas a board production line is optimized for producing flat, rectangular sheets.

In summary, while both XPS pipe and board production lines utilize the extrusion process to create products from extruded polystyrene, they are designed for different end products with specific shapes and applications. The choice between the two production lines depends on the intended use of the final product, whether for insulating pipes or providing thermal insulation in construction projects

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Hello, I am Tina, the proud founder of a China leading company specializing in XPS Foam Board Production Lines. With a visionary approach, I established this venture to address the evolving needs of the insulation and construction industries.
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